Born and raised in Los Angeles, California, Joann Grew up with palm trees, street tacos, In n Out, and an intense love for COSTCO.

She obtained her Bachelor’s of Fine Arts in Musical Theatre from Texas State University under the direction of Kaitlin Hopkins, in the Spring of 2023.

Growing up as a mixed race women in the industry has pushed her to speak up for herself and to advocate for others like her. She hopes to help the industry change in a more diverse direction to reflect the way our world looks today.

As a confident plus size women she strives to create a body positive atmosphere to support and lift up other women. Her life motto is that ‘there is nothing more beautiful than a confident women who doesn’t pretend to be something she’s not.’

In her free time you can find Joann doing a new makeup look while watching what’s new on Netflix. Her latest obsessions include blasting Erykah Badu’s music at all times, making homemade bread & ice cream, attending the local farmers market, and jewelry making. Outside of performing, Joann feels very strongly about the Taco Bell spicy potato soft taco, Sweet Tea, and all things Sade!

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